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   编辑:唐四薪    发布时间: 2020/06/10 16:49     来源:     点击次数:


作者 论文名称 发表刊物 成果类别 刊物级别
赵辉煌 Image Neural Network Style   Transfer with Global and Local Optimization Fusion IEEE Access 论文 SCI二区
刘波涛,李浪,李秋萍 Loong: A Family of Involutional   Lightweight Block Cipher Based on SPN Structure IEEE Access 论文 SCI二区
赵辉煌 Adaptive Gradient-based Block   Compressive Sensing with Sparsity for Noisy Images Multimedia Tools and   Applications 论文 SCI三区
焦铬 Image Encryption with The Cross   Diffusion of Two Chaotic Maps KSII Transactions on Internet   and Information Systems 论文 SCI四区
赵辉煌 Automatic Semantic Style   Transfer using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Soft Masks The Visual Computer 论文 SCI四区
赵辉煌 Block Compressive Sensing for   Solder Joint Images with Wavelet Packet Thresholding Transactions on Components,   Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 论文 SCI四区
林睦纲 Randomized Parameterized   Algorithms for the Kidney Exchange Problem Algorithms 论文 EI期刊
焦铬 Hybrid Chaotic Encryption   Algorithm for Securing DICOM Systems International Journal of   Performability Engineering 论文 EI期刊
焦铬 Improved Security for Android   System based on Multi-Chaotic Maps using a Novel Image Encryption Algorithm International Journal of   Performability Engineering 论文 EI期刊
田小梅 Efficiently Retrieving   Differences Between Remote Sets using Counting Bloom Filter International Journal of   Performabity Engineering 论文 EI期刊
赵辉煌 Multiple Classifiers Fusion and   CNN Feature Extraction for Handwritten Digits Recognition Granular computing 论文 EI期刊
唐四薪 Combining Stochastic Grammar and   Semi-Supervised Learning Techniques to Extract RNA Structures with   Pseudoknots International Journal of   Performability Engineering 论文 EI期刊
焦铬 An Optimized AES Masking Method   for Resisting Side Channel Analysis Advances in Intelligent Systems   and Computing 论文 EI期刊
李浪 Hbcipher:一种高效的轻量级分组密码 密码学报 论文 CSCD核心
李浪 Optimization and Security   Implementation of ITUbee CENet2018 会议论文 EI会议
赵辉煌 Occlusion Robust Tracking for   Mult-Faces with WP Feature and BP Neural Networks CISP-BMEI 2018 会议论文 EI会议
王杰 面向云隐私保护的5A问责制协议设计 南京邮电大学学报 论文 CSCD扩展
郑光勇 基于spring boot框架的公司考勤系统 的研究与设计 电脑知识与技术 论文 省级
匡娟丽 LED密码算法Verilog HDL优化实现研究 必赢bwin线路检测中心3003学报 论文 省级
李浪 LED加密融合优化实现研究 必赢bwin线路检测中心3003学报 论文 省级
刘青云 基于Sax的嵌入式轻量级xml解析实现 必赢bwin线路检测中心3003学报 论文 省级

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